Forward Friday: Reflecting on Community

This weekend, reflect on one of the following:

1)      What does “community” mean to you?

2)      Think about a recent interaction with someone in your community where you spoke, acted, or reacted out of woundedness and fear rather than healing and love. Identify the root or source of your behavior.  Notice your emotional and physical responses.  Invite God into your experience to help guide your reflection.  Ask God to bring healing into the place of woundedness and to cast out fear with love. Write down your experience so you can return to it for further reflection as you grow in your spiritual journey.

Share what you discover with a close friend, or post in the comment box below.

About Laura K. Cavanaugh

I'm a writer, spiritual director, and advocate of holistic body theology.

Posted on June 1, 2012, in Body of CHRIST, Community, Forward Friday, Spirituality. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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